Exactly 80 years ago, Dr Hans Selye, a budding Hungarian medical graduate, was credited for bringing the word “stress” into our vocabulary. His defining discovery was that any form of toxic insult on our body, be it foreign chemicals, physical trauma or emotional upset produced very similar and reproducible effects on our body that he termed the “General Adaptation Syndrome” …
What your Sweet Tooth tells me about you!
Have you ever craved chocolate, coffee, donuts, protein milk shakes or cake slices? The high sugar levels common in all of these, may have led you to smugly tell others: “Look: I just have sweet tooth!”. By trivializing the “simple choice of sugar” in our diet, we neglect the fact that our bodies may, in fact, be craving or “addicted” …
The biggest obstacle to health: Our beliefs
Every few years there seems to be a health craze from a particular person who purports to have found the Holy Grail to health. Low-carb high fat, low-fat high carb, “essential supplements” for weight loss and, of course, medications. Drugs to suppress appetite or speed up your metabolism. The Paleo diet, the Bikini diet or the “Eat right for your …
Tinnitus: Can you hear me Scotty?
Do you or one of your loved ones suffer with ringing in the ears? According to the Mayo Clinic, tinnitus can be defined as a a noise or ringing in the ears when no external sounds are present and it reportedly affects 1 in 5 people! Interestingly, tinnitus is not a medical diagnosis but is associated with an underlying disorder. …
The long road to recovery
By world standards, Australians we are well-educated community and health-savy bunch. Ask them what it takes to live healthy and they will readily mention the importance of a balanced diet, regular exercise and having downtime to de-stress from our “always on” lifestyle. What if we did everything we are meant to do but still feel extremely fatigued and tired? It is often at these cross-roads that patients need the guidance of an open-minded health practitioner to search the clues for answers. Looking at routine blood tests, reviewing patient scans and performing a physical examination are simply a starting point for diagnosis. Ask questions, lots of questions and search for the “WHY?”
Stop popping those pills!
Unless you are reading this blog in remote Africa eating your own home-grown crops, there is an almost 100 per cent certainty that you have consumed some form of supplement in your life (whether as a pill or a food product – due to government regulations, these supplements are often found in the “fortified” foods you have consumed such as …
What is a healthy body?
What does it mean to have a healthy body? An author once said that, “Health is merely the slowest way someone can die.” Is this how you look at your health and wellbeing? If it is, then what about those individuals who have lost the enthusiasm needed to make a full contribution to their life and health? According to Australian …
Movement disorders and the mouth
Australians who suffer with movement disorders frequently experience involuntary and unpleasant bodily movements such as tremors, an abnormal posture and difficulty walking. In some cases it even affects their speech. This blog will discuss how your mouth can play a vital role in various movement disorders. There are some conditions that can be greatly improved by providing proper jaw support! …
Poor breathing and reflux: The link
Since I began looking into people’s mouths some 20 years ago, a disturbing number of them often showed signs of severe acid damage on their teeth. The question we asked our patients back then was, “Do you drink lots of acidic beverages (like coke) or do you have reflux?”. If the answer about the drinks was negative then a referral …
How your mouth affects your posture
Poor body posture is often associated with chronic back and neck pain, but did you know that the mouth can be a major cause? My earliest memories on posture come from primary schooling. Our teachers reprimanded us to “sit up straight” in class as though our slouching was a sign of nefarious intentions. For the teacher, at least, good posture …