Everyone has their own unique bed time rituals. Some people like to check their social media accounts while others pay attention to their hygienic habits before jumping off to bed. Taking a shower or applying some anti-aging skin treatments are popular to some. However, one thing most people commonly forget to do before retiring at night is brushing their teeth.
Nighttime Dental Care
In a span of eight hours, a lot can happen in your mouth. When you are sleeping, bacteria are making their way of harming your teeth. They make the most out of their time inside your mouth. But, you yourself have the power to control and prevent nasty plaque, tartar and gingivitis from getting in the way of your goodnight sleep. There are many ways to maintain good oral health while you sleep.
Proper oral care includes three important steps: brushing, flossing and rinsing. When you brush, don’t rush! Take enough time to do a thorough job. Brush your teeth up to 2 minutes each time and thrice daily. Also, change your toothbrush every three months to get the best at-home care. Don’t forget to brush your tongue to remove odour-causing bacteria that will help give you a fresher breath.
- Brushing Before Bed – Brushing your teeth helps protect them from plaque and tooth decay. With the use of a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste, brush your teeth at a 45-degree angle to the gums. It is recommended to brush in circular, short motions starting from your outer teeth. Then, work your way through the inner teeth surfaces. Clean the backs of your front teeth with gentle up and down strokes as well. If you are particularly susceptible to cavities and gum disease, dentists recommend that you brush immediately after dinner. Then, again right before bedtime.
- Electric Brushing – The oscillating movement of the electric toothbrush’s head removes plaque from your teeth more efficiently than a regular toothbrush. Choosing the right electronic toothbrush that is easy to hold and use would be very effective.
- Do Floss – Cleaning in between your teeth with floss allows you to reach plaque that you can’t remove with a regular toothbrush. Flossing at least once a day will also help prevent gum diseases. Flossing removes food particles and plaque buildup while it’s still soft. If this debris stays on the teeth, bacteria will increase throughout the night and feed off them while you’re sleeping. By flossing your teeth once per day you’ll prevent yourself from suffering a periodontal disease. Use an 18 inch strand of dental floss and wind it around your fingers to manage it. Hold the floss tightly between your thumb and forefingers and use a gentle motion guiding it between teeth. Curve it into a C shape against your teeth to clean all of your teeth. Slide it in the spaces and rub gently. Slowly move it up and down the tooth gently guiding it along the surface. Furthermore, if the plaque has already hardened, it can turn into tartar. Tartar can only be removed by a dental hygienist or dentist during a professional cleaning. Flossing only at night is fine for most people. However, if you’re prone to gum disease or tartar build-up, dentists recommend that you floss in the morning as well.
- Use of Mouthwash – Mouthwash is not just meant for having fresh breath, it also contains special ingredients that strengthen teeth and help treat certain oral health conditions. Rinsing with mouthwash before bed will help keep your teeth free of plaque or cavities and your gums safe from gingivitis. A mouth rinse is an oral hygiene solution that is meant to be used in conjunction with brushing and flossing. It should be the last step in your oral hygiene routine in the morning and at night after brushing and flossing. Rinsing is beneficial because it can help kill germs that promote bad breath. Additionally, a mouth rinse is a powerful means of protecting teeth from decay and removing food particles that lodged toward the back of the throat.
- Be aware of bruxism – If you are experiencing worn out tooth enamel, increased tooth sensitivity or torn cheek tissue, you may be grinding your teeth in your sleep. Though dentists can’t stop you from doing it, they can make you a mouth guard that you can wear at night to protect your teeth from the effects of grinding.
When it comes to healthful aging, a preventive approach is the key to success. Neglecting your dental health as you age can have serious consequences, including premature aging of the smile (gum recession and/or tooth discolouration) and the need for extensive and expensive corrective procedures. The good news is that some simple preventive habits started earlier in life may help avoid these consequences and ensure that your smile is healthy well into advanced age. See your dentist twice each year and make time for a complete oral health care routine every night and day.
Importance of Nighttime Dental Care
Each time you eat during the day, food particles accumulate in your mouth. They will stay on the surface and in between teeth. Saliva helps to wash the bacteria out of your mouth. However, while you are sleeping you don’t produce enough saliva to wash away these food particles. This instance creates an ideal environment for the growth of bacteria. As the bacteria grow, they begin to eat away at the enamel and dental tissue of your teeth. This leads to tooth decay and/or gum disease.
Nighttime oral health care is just as important as taking care of your teeth during the day. Bacteria inside your mouth can increase even if you are sleeping. Hence, oral hygiene at night is vital in order to avoid bacteria from breaking down food particles that you may have missed while brushing and flossing.
Oral health is not something to think of. It is a mustthat each person needs to deal with. Establishing a good oral routine is not an easy task but it will help you have a dashing smile. When dental health is at risk, it can cause complications and severe damages. So along with practicing good habits at home, it is also important to visit a reputable dental service likethat offered by Happy Teeth.
Make sure to schedule regular dental checkups and cleanings. Your dentist or dental hygienist will help you keep your teeth clean and your gums healthy over the long run. Remember, preventive care and maintenance is just as important for a healthy mouth as good daytime and nighttime oral hygiene. At Happy Teeth, we have a team of expert dentists who are fully knowledgeable about preventive dentistry. Our dentists believe that the health of your teeth affects your whole body. Hence, we pride of our holistic approach which begins with your teeth and promotes your total health.
Our skilled dentists provide gentle, caring treatment that leaves you comfortable and relaxed. Happy Teeth can take away your worries of seeing a dentist by making each visit a calm and soothing experience. No one else does a dental care service better than the dentists from Happy Teeth. Check out our website today at https://happyteeth.com.au/ and free your teeth from worries. At Happy Teeth you deserve to have a winning smile and be happy!