The term a “full smile design” most commonly refers to a complete makeover of a person’s smile. This is usually an appropriate dental service for people with very worn out or short teeth, generalised older discoloured dental work or unhappiness with the overall appearance of your mouth.
In the picture shown, a patient with worn down teeth had a combination of upper anterior all-ceramic crowns, lower white resin veneers and back teeth ceramic inlays placed to achieve the result shown. The vertical height of his teeth was restored and the patient mentioned how much better his smile improved. It also improved his self-confidence and lightened up his entire smile.
As we are making full mouth changes to your smile it is essential that a full set of dental records are taken before hand including a full dental checkup, gum health assessment and dental scans to ensure that the teeth are healthy before any changes are recommended.
Similar to dental veneers, it is highly recommended that a full “diagnostic wax-up” be provided for you in order to assess the changes that are being recommend prior to commencement of the dental work. In this way we can accurately determine what to realistically expect from a full smile design and the treatment time required to achieve the end result.
For some patients, it may be preferable to consider a tooth-alignment or dental orthopaedic phase BEFORE a full smile design is commenced in order to achieve a better cosmetic and health outcome. Some patients have very worn teeth because they have suffered for many years with sleep apnea and tooth grinding issues. Others have obvious misaligned teeth or jaws that do not meet up correctly.
As with every dental service provided at Happy Teeth, we will discuss all the available options with you before any dental treatment is commenced.